Bucks 3rd party apps integration guide
Why do you need integration?
BUCKS Currency Converter converts prices on the page as soon as possible (speed—that's our key), but sometimes other apps, like upselling, discounting, or price modification apps, modify the prices on the page, so it needs to be converted again.
All the price elements on the page should be wrapped with a span element with a class of money.
/** sample price element **/
<span class="money">$20</span>
The money format with the span wrapper will already be in the store's money format if bucks are installed on the store. So ask the app's developers to format currency using the store's default money format.
You can use the code below on the store to convert the prices on the page manually.
After making updates to the prices, just run the script below.
((window || {}).bucksCC || {}).reConvert && bucksCC.reConvert()
That's it!
All prices with the wrapper element will automatically be converted to the user's preferred currency.
Hope you've got some value from this article. Let us know your feedback 🙂
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Updated on: 10/12/2024
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